Salvation: 10 Week Study of Doctrine

Author: TheRobinsons /

So, I just finished the book of Genesis with the small group Bible study that I teach. After a year in this first book of the scriptures we are now in transition. Currently, we are doing a study as a church body for about six weeks and this is giving me some time to prepare for my next series of lessons. I am actually very excited about these. Typically, I am very expositional and labor through verse by verse from one book to another (which I might add has wrought great benefit to me and seems to be profitable in the hearts of those who study with me). We will next be moving into what I pray will be a very foundational study of 10 doctrines which surround a biblical view of Salvation.

My hope is to give a brief synopsis here, more as a discipline of attempting to be more faithful in posting. Yet, there is a part of me that truly desires to catalyze discussion and conversation that will be edifying. As I am not entirely sure what the order will be, I am refraining from listing the specific doctrines and order of the study, but I hope to have this posted soon.

My desire in this study is that the Spirit of God would help us to see more clearly as we read scriptures the connectivity of scripture. To see that God has inspired His word in more than a random story, but as interconnected truths which are vital to a clear understanding of who God is, who we are in light of Him, and how we are to live in light of God's commands. I pray deeply that this would be the effect of our study and that through God's word we would continue to loook more and more like Him daily.